Monday, August 4, 2008

¿Que pasa, Edouard?

Tropical Storm Edouard seems to be heading straight toward Galveston and Houston beyond. Will it really be much of anything? Who knows?

Three years ago, just weeks after Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Rita bore down on the Texas coast. Hundreds of thousands tried to evacuate the area only to run out of gas on the congested highways of the Houston area. Luckily for us (we stayed put) Rita veered eastward and around Houston we had ten's if not hundred's of downed leaves. Points east did not get off so lucky.

So what will happen this time? Only time will tell. But we're good. Factor, food, water, beer; all the essentials.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Prevention is everything!! :)
Happy to have time to read your interesting posts. Iam going Thursdy to the hospital and i'll check the antibodies issue for you. Hasta lueguito!