Friday, August 29, 2008

Pop !

That was the sound of the Democrat Denver party balloon.

Less than 12 hours after Sen. Barak Obama's coronation the headlines at all the media outlets read:

It's Palin!!

Bold. Risky. Exciting!

Definitely not the usual Republican fare.

1 comment:

Mike G. said...

I too have a son with severe Hemophilia A, and I come back to your blog occaisionally because reading your words gives me hope for the future. That being said I find you support for the republican ticket interesting. I am under the impression that McCain believes in a free market, deregulated health care system. I have gotten some good information here:
I would like to get your views on how you believe McCain's vision of the Healthcare system would be better for our sons' future. I envision a sliding scale for health care enrollees, much like the car insurance business. Our sons were born with a condition that is known to cost insurance companies lots of money. So it is simple economics: why wouldn't they charge lots of money for their care, or cut services. What's your take?