Sunday, June 8, 2008

Been awhile...

Life interferes. It's been a crazy two weeks. School's ended for the boys and summer camps have started, work has hit the hectic/stressful season but biggest of all Allison has started nursing school. She going to the UT School of Nursing at Houston accelerated program. It's two years of nursing crammed into one. Lots of reading, lots of online lectures and lots of studying. Did I mention reading and studying. It occupies the majority of her time. By the time its over the boys may feel like they have a single parent. But in the end it will be more than worth it. For her and us.


Anonymous said...

I admire your family movement: because as you see although she is the one who studies, she made that decision because you are there and you are able to mothering too if needed. Bravo to all of you!

ZM said...

Go Allison, go!