Wednesday, April 30, 2008


That was the sound of the air going out of Barack Obama’s sails last week following his Pennsylvania primary defeat and then the sound of Rev. Jeremiah Wright being thrown under the keel today.

The presidential hopeful ship of Barack Obama sailed into Pennsylvania waters last week amid what could have been a political perfect storm. For Sen. Hillary Clinton that is. The Keystone state primary was set against the backdrop of the Rev. Wright controversy, renewed interest in the Senator’s ties to former Weather Underground member, William Ayers and Obama’s association with political fundraiser and wire fraud, bribery and extortion defendant Tony Rezko. Not to mention his own disparaging San Francisco comments about middle-class Midwesterners.

All of this didn’t so much fill Clinton’s sails as take the wind out of Obama’s. Pennsylvania’s more blue-collar electorate set up nicely for the former First Lady in the first place and add to it Obama’s recent woes and victory was all but ensured for Clinton.

In the end it may not matter. By throwing the Chicago pastor overboard today Obama more than likely will have righted his ship. Especially in the eyes and opinion of the fawning adoration of the nation’s media.

But let it be a cautionary tale. Let it serve as a reminder of how much we don’t know about the junior Senator from Illinois. People want him to be something different. People want to feel good about him. He is charismatic and witty and smart and people want him to succeed for so many reasons. But just wanting someone to be what you hope for doesn’t make it so.

Hope and change are universal ambitions. But with nothing behind them they are just words.

And remember he just disowned Rev. Wright a mere six weeks after saying he could no more disown his former pastor than he could his own grandmother. Look out grandma and keep your mouth shut.

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