Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Dawn of the Dead

I woke up this morning to find that Hillary Clinton has staggered to her feet, zombie like, and has started walking again arms outstretched. Barack Obama meanwhile has been distracted by a renewed interest in his relationship with shady character Tony Rezko and his Canada/NAFTA doubletalk.

I mean sheeezz, she was down and he didn’t put her away. Didn’t he watch any zombie movies at Columbia and Harvard? No Halloween or Friday the 13th movies? No Elm Street movies? Apparently not, because he made the same mistakes.

When you get the monster down, FINISH IT OFF! But no, he dropped his weapon, turned his back, hugged his wife and said, “We’re safe now.”

Finish the deal! You’ve got to hack off the head, cut off the arms and legs and burn all the parts. And then don’t turn your back.

Had Jamie Lee Curtis done this in 1978, no more Michael Myers, Had the kids at Crystal Lake done this, no more Jason (although they did lop off Jason’s mother’s head in the first Friday the 13th – no more mom).

Like the zombie-monsters and the zombie-monster movies themselves Hillary keeps coming back because Obama won’t or can’t finish her off. You’d think with his record fundraising his campaign could afford a machete.

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