Thursday, December 6, 2007


Former Massachusetts Governor and Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney addressed the issue of his Mormon religion and his bid for the Presidency today from College Station, Texas. Speaking from the George H. W. Bush Presidential Library on the West Campus of Texas A&M University Gov. Romney affirmed his Mormon religion but pledged that his church would not define his candidacy or his presidency

Romney didn’t wade into the tall grass of particulars of his religion nor should he have to. But rather, he engaged the nation in a discussion of religious liberty and tolerance that is embedded in the American tradition by the founding fathers.

Excerpts from the speech:

"Let me assure you that no authorities of my church, or of any other church for that matter, will ever exert influence on presidential decisions. Their authority is theirs, within the province of church affairs, and it ends where the affairs of the nation begin.”


"There are some who would have a presidential candidate describe and explain his
church's distinctive doctrines. To do so would enable the very religious test the founders prohibited in the Constitution. No candidate should become the spokesman for his faith. For if he becomes President he will need the prayers of the people of all faiths.”

"I believe that every faith I have encountered draws its adherents closer to God. And in every faith I have come to know, there are features I wish were in my own: I love the profound ceremony of the Catholic Mass, the approachability of God in the prayers of the Evangelicals, the tenderness of spirit among the Pentecostals, the confident independence of the Lutherans, the ancient traditions of the Jews, unchanged through the ages, and the commitment to frequent prayer of the Muslims. As I travel across the country and see our towns and cities, I am always moved by the many houses of worship with their steeples, all pointing to heaven, reminding us of the source of life's blessings.”


"Americans acknowledge that liberty is a gift of God, not an indulgence of government. No people in the history of the world have sacrificed as much for liberty. The lives of hundreds of thousands of America's sons and daughters were laid down during the last century to preserve freedom, for us and for freedom loving people throughout the world. America took nothing from that Century's terrible wars - no land from Germany or Japan or Korea; no treasure; no oath of fealty. America's resolve in the defense of liberty has been tested time and again. It has not been found wanting, nor must it ever be. America must never falter in holding high the banner of freedom.”

It was well crafted, well delivered and completely unnecessary. Romney succumbed to the rantings and ravings of his detractors calling for an explanation of his faith. Now that he has addressed the issue on very much his own terms, and done so quite masterfully, they will only use it to further bludgeon him with their vicious and bigoted attacks.

Those people will never be swayed by any one speech (however eloquent it may be). But for those many who were unsure what to think of Romney and his faith this speech should quell their fears and comfort their apprehensions. For here is a man of faith, conviction and integrity who will hold true to the founding principles of this nation’s forefathers and the Constitution they crafted which guides it.

The whole text of the speech can be found here.

Video of the speech here.

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