Thursday, September 27, 2007

China's paradox

They're two they're four they're six they're eight
Shunting trucks and hauling freight
red and green and brown and blue
they're the really useful crew

(too bad they're toxic to me and you)

Once again toys coming out of China are found to contain high levels of lead in the surface paint and some metal parts.

So the country that hasn't allowed imports of foreign-made factor products for nearly 20 years (see post below) out of concern for its hemophilia population has very little trouble exporting toxic toys (including our buddy Thomas) around the world and says it's no big deal.

In Bejing, Commerce Ministry spokesman Wang Xinpei on Thursday said: "Our attitude toward the toy problem has always been the same, that the problem is one in a thousand. We'll still be highly responsible and seriously solve the problem."
Nice. I'm all for China being connected to the world market but hey you've got to play by the rules. We don't send stuff that hurts your people, you don't send stuff that hurts our people.

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